OIC (Original IPA Class) WRS2 is a 3rd grade high school science class association in W.R. Supratman 2 Medan year 2007/2008 that was formed in August 2007 and was inaugurated in November 2007 in conjunction with the field trips conducted in the villa Bukit Mas Berastagi.
At first we were very confused because there are many choices name, but finally we chose the OIC which has a unique combination of 2 languages in the name (English and Indonesia).
OIC itself has a vision for the future as follows
- OIC Spirit, oh I see the passion.
- OIC Knowledge, oh I see there is knowledge and passion for the pursuit of knowledge.
- OIC Friendship, oh I see there is friendship.
- OIC Memorize, we are not going to forget something that happened in the past, we take as an experience.
- OIC the future, oh I see the future.
Today, we the members of the OIC WRS2 (deliberately added the WRS2 word because so many people have used OIC as their name in the cyberspace), is in an effort to finish our second vision (vision of knowledge). We the members of OIC WRS2 currently are completing each of our courses, so maybe in the future we would very rarely update the topic about us.
The spirit of friendship among us until this day still burning, though sometimes there is a hit a stumbling block, but the stumbling block will not be a barrier to our friendship.
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